初押00 Karma: 15.16
not stating / other
- Crack, Castle of glass
北風 Karma: 7.87
not stating / other
- Nightmare, Bottom of endless dream
流石少子 Karma: 30.08
not stating / other
- Morocco
璃離 Karma: 23.17
not stating / other
- Taiwan
HoHa Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- Japan
Rita Karma: 81.31
not stating / other
- Taiwan
格爾🐻🦅 Karma: 78.33
not stating / other
- Taiwan
一个有点奇怪的小写手 Karma: 80.83
not stating / other
- China
蘭澤❀石奚 Karma: 68.92
not stating / other
- 天天開心, 事事順利
路娜月 Karma: 67.35
not stating / other
- Taiwan