30Friends 123Fans
female Ayer Itam, Malaysia
anime lover.
japan wanna goer.
cheese eater.
coffee drinker.
chocolate eater.
drama watcher.
shopping mall visitor.
toy shop profit contributor.
karaoke singer.
own little room dancer.
toy collector.
toy designer wannabe-er.
self lover.
9 years ago
long weekend well spent pampering myself..
9 years ago 6
Just receive a good news today! (dance_bzz) (dance_bzz) (dance_bzz)
9 years ago
Such pain in the ass hr. (gfuu) (fuu)
9 years ago 5
hello plurkers!!! i can still rmb my log in id. lol! (banana_gym)
PluStwO says
14 years ago 1
sighhh.... give me strength please...
PluStwO asks
14 years ago
everyone em sek tak go home?
PluStwO says
14 years ago
off laptop... bb~
PluStwO says
14 years ago 4
wah.. banyak nyer plurk cmei... (LOL)
PluStwO says
14 years ago
stomach bloated... :-&
PluStwO says
14 years ago 4
i can hear the lady gaga song from ur room cmei.... (LOL)