tmw you open up a wip you've had sitting in your saved files for so long you forgot what it was so you reread it and get real into it and then get fucking mad when it's not finished
woke up at like 10:30 from a nightmare that made me CRY, stayed in bed til like 1pm, ate something that made me throw up, and now i have totally given up on today as a concept.
boy Tumblr is really pushing Communities huh
the neighbors snowblowing at 5am deserve terrible things
it's supposed to Snow Very Much today so like nobody is at work yet.... let's see who shows up
[d&d] creating a new character for this all girls one-shot. I have come up with a swarmkeeper ranger who is an elf that is currently possessed by a Queen Bee that is piloting her body/hive around like a mech suit
Hozier is gonna be headlining Summerfest this year....... am I going to have to buy tickets for once.....
"gosh why am i so dehydrated today"