Plurk EnJoy
1Friends 399983Fans
Taipei, Taiwan
Hi, I'm PLURK EnJoy. You can also call me Plurk mini-office manager.
This is a PLURK Official Chanel for fun and buy.
Don't hesitate to send a private message when you have questions.
Enjoy PLURK!
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago 2 @Edit 5 years ago
Hello Plurkers all around the world, this is plurk office assistant, nice to meet you!
I plurk new plurks every week. Please feel free to leave your comment if you’re interested in the topic.
From time to time, I would share Plurk’s information such as new plurk function, plurk office manga, plurk products.
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago 86
Hello everyone, how’s your weekend?
I watched one movie and two dramas during the weekend.
I feel fully charged and satisfied.
Do you plurkers love movies more than dramas or vice versa? Welcome to leave your comment down below.(p-laugh)
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago 45
the whiteboard in our office today
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago 51 @Edit 5 years ago
This morning, an earthquake ambushed Taiwan. Is everybody safe?
Don't worry about the office. I slept well
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago 30 @Edit 5 years ago
Tomorrow is Qixi Festival (Chinese Valentine's Day), which is on July 7 of the lunar calendar. Unigi is happy and feels love.
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago 50 @Edit 5 years ago
the mini engineer said to the office manager: I really want a big screen in the office! So we can play games together!

a delivery man: a package!
all of us: whaaaatttt

The screen is being returned.
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago 19 @Edit 5 years ago
Do you notice this meaty? Today is the first day of Taiwanese Ghost Month! The Spirits can go out from hell in this month. People will worship and give them food, because they were suffering in hell. Don't worry, we will eat all the food after the ritual.
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago 31
Star Trek: Picard - Official Teaser | Prime VideoHave I ever said I love Star Trek?
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago 17 @Edit 5 years ago

The big meaties will be send to their new owners tomorrow. (app-touch)

大肉骨獸 Big Meaty - PLURK
If you're interested to have one, you can contact us!
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago 27 @Edit 5 years ago
We received a fanbook of Plurk theme from kyou_bocchan today. We're thankful you choose to use Plurk and love this community so much.

But our engineer is not that good-looking in reality. He has nothing like James Bond.
Plurk EnJoy
5 years ago 27 @Edit 5 years ago
Kyoto animation arson suspect told police his work h...We're all sad to hear the new of Kyoani Studio in Japan. Many plurker loves animate and comics and are very concern about the victims.
#PrayForKyoani ::Plurk TopicsSo we made a timeline for Kyoani. If you plurk with the hashtag #prayforkyoani, A bunch of flowers and a candle will appear beside the plurk. Let's pray for them.