11Friends 23Fans
male VT, United States
Things need not necessarily have happened to be true.
dwenius says
14 years ago
S.F. response to local Westboro Baptist Church protests is 100% win: laughingsquid.com/san-fr...
dwenius says
15 years ago
Wait, POTUS can go around the Senate Fiscal Commission hold with an Exec Order? If only we could XO up some HCR, or DADT repeal, or...
15 years ago
Never fails: a flight and night in a hotel and my hair has the tensile strength (but not style) of Elsa Lancaster in Bride of Frankenstein.
15 years ago
Seuss earworm replaced by Louis Prima. Help not currently required. Unless you're sending an AIRPLANE to SFO and stopping the RAIN.
15 years ago
It would be less painful that Democrats suck at governing if they weren't ALSO useless as the opposition party.
15 years ago
Earwormed by Suess, send help.
15 years ago
Shorter NYT: Avatar is the triumph of the Sign over the Signified: ping.fm/j81S1
dwenius is
15 years ago
giving the 12 y.o. a crash course in musical theater as she preps for Seussical auditions next week.
15 years ago
Easily the most productive Friday I've had in months.
15 years ago
Sure hope this isn't pinkeye.