11Friends 23Fans
male VT, United States
Things need not necessarily have happened to be true.
dwenius says
14 years ago
When one side of your tongue is numb from novocaine, cold sweet things feel warm on that side. Taste => temperature. Silly brain.
dwenius says
14 years ago
ATTN SPACE CADETS: AC Transit altering/dropping lines effective Monday. Check your route. I learned that I have to wake up earlier now :-(
dwenius says
14 years ago
We know from counting business cards that at least 32 brokers came to see the house today. A good sign.
dwenius is
14 years ago
is severely earwormed by Berlin. "I remember searching for the perfect words / I was hoping you might change your mind..." You're welcome.
dwenius says
14 years ago
What happens when you leave a Happy meal on the windowsill for a year? Nothing: ping.fm/MTjAK
dwenius says
14 years ago
Happy 50th birthday, Frank Chu! May your rocket society always be Zegnotronic!
dwenius says
14 years ago
So the house is officially on the market. Brokers open house tomorrow, public open house on Sunday. Go Go Gadget housing rebound!
dwenius says
14 years ago
Teabaggers storm Capitol to protest HCR, throw N-word at Rep Lewis, who marched with Dr. King: ping.fm/d97Qf
dwenius says
14 years ago
Also, per the events of the day and also the celebration thereof, let me just say WHALE OIL BEEF HOOKED.
dwenius says
14 years ago
I fully support the strategic political use of mockery.