172Friends 110Fans
female Saint Paul, MN, United States
I do stuff. I think things. I behave in certain ways. I have preferences. I like kittens and want world peace?
Adult learning and leadership development geek; SF fan; chronic smartass.
12 years ago 9
sat at a stop sign for about 3 minutes last night. Waiting for the light to change. a SIGN! (not a light!)
Prairie has
12 years ago 3
added a bunch of BS to my profile just to get my personal icons tab in plurk. i am not happy about it, either. grr. GRRR. (nottalking)
Prairie has
12 years ago 4
a job interview in the morning. Feeling meh about it compared to the job I interviewed for on Tuesday. Adjusting attitude in ...3....2....1
Prairie likes
12 years ago
Closed MondaysClosed Mondays a claymation short from the early 70's. It won the Oscar for best animated short film (about 7 min.)
12 years ago 13
interview in 2 hours. face is breaking out. i look like a fucking meth addict. except not skinny. the universe hates me. (gwhatever)
12 years ago 5
splurging, ordered a pizza. guess i'll go put on a bra... (gyea)
12 years ago 4
Angels weep. Interview scheduling person hunted down and throttled until I got something scheduled.
12 years ago 12
I got a call for an interview!!! From JulieSmspfdfh at a disconnected number. (annoyed)From the State. Who, after some hunting, I find her