28Friends 117Fans
female Lansing, IL, United States
Christian, mom of 5 children... 4 girls and 1 boy, photographer.
Pixie says
11 years ago
Last day... speak now or forever lose connection with me... LoL
Pixie says
11 years ago 6
Hello there. For those who follow me here... I am going to delete my plurk account. If you wish to continue to follow me on Google+ (for Pic of the Day) let me know. I'll give you the info.
Pixie says
11 years ago 5
Hello!!! LoL I will hopefully be back here soon. If I decide to drop this account, I will give enough notice and for those of you who have come to know me well...
Pixie says
11 years ago
Good morning! I hope you all are having a great day today!
Pixie says
11 years ago 1
Good morning, my friends. I'm kind of been blah with Plurk lately. Sorry. When I'm not online much, Plurk is the first to suffer.
Pixie says
11 years ago 1
Pixie says
11 years ago
Hello... the one day I asked to sleep in and the kids decided they were just going to let their alarm go and not turn it off. sigh
Pixie says
11 years ago
Good afternoon! Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends! We have had a great day so far.
Pixie says
11 years ago 1
Did a bit more today than I have in weeks! I think I'm finally on the upswing!
Pixie says
11 years ago
Good morning. I'm enjoying a bit of time with baby M and Little A before my kids come home from their half-day of school.