Pietra Arumaga
20Friends 0Fans
male Singapore
Pietra Arumaga
14 years ago
"We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Pietra Arumaga
14 years ago
packing some of my stuff. time to move to another country again
Pietra Arumaga
14 years ago
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I am justice. I am vengeance. Blood can only be repaid in blood - Lady Vasilia, Dragon Age
Pietra Arumaga
14 years ago
and which is worse? the actions of those who believed they were right? or the inaction of they who knew they were wrong? - Sarel, Dragon Age
Pietra Arumaga
14 years ago
inception is a good movie that tickles your brain. in the end, you believe what you want to believe. and there's nothing wrong with that ...
Pietra Arumaga
14 years ago
beaten & broken. like a wounded old dog stranded in the heavy rain. don't know who to trust & the path of vengeance laid in front of me ...
Pietra Arumaga
14 years ago
disposable hero
Pietra Arumaga
14 years ago
i am not a big fan of soccer & world cup but i do wish, hope & pray that the Germans destroy, annihilate and pwn the brits tonight.
Pietra Arumaga
14 years ago
Google eyes Indonesia for expansion www.physorg.com/news1965...