219Friends 76Fans
Minneapolis, MN, United States
Knitter, spinner, occasional crocheter, and all-around supergeek. Welcome to me.

Previously known as Becca and beeca on ravelry.
10 years ago 4
hey, would anyone be interested in buying some local-to-me naturally colored alpaca yarn? I can post photos/details if anyone's interested. I got it for my birthday but I can't touch alpaca.
10 years ago 26
my friend passed away this morning. she was only 31. she had pneumonia. it shouldn't have happened.
11 years ago 4
dear universe,
Please, please, please, please, PLEASE can the company I interviewed with call me today and offer me the job? Please?
11 years ago 1
I bought those no-slip inserts for the heels of this pair of shoes and my heels still slip out CONSTANTLY. I clearly have cold-foot superpowers. Also they need to turn the freaking heat up.
11 years ago 2
Interview got rescheduled for Monday. Even though I know it's nothing to do with me at all, my brain is interpreting this as "they don't actually want to hire me", which is idiotic but I can't seem to stop.
11 years ago 10
this is the first interview I'll have where my appearance is notably unusual. I really have no idea how to deal with that.
11 years ago 3
I changed my rav username, just so you guys know. I might change my display name here too. Formerly beeca, now JackInTheBex.
11 years ago 8
thinking back over the last two months, realizing that this isn't just a depressive episode, I've been depressed for months. Well. Shit.