36Friends 4Fans
female Banjarmasin, Indonesia
my skill? fake smile. and i'm professional at that!
twitter, Ask.fm | Ask and answer, ig : elvirarizqi || fb: vivi elvira
pigi_pigi telah
10 years ago
baru sekarang buka plurk, setelah sekian lamaa
13 years ago
it's been a long time ago since i broke up with him more than a week i guess, so just keep shut up and don't ask me bout that anymore, thnks
13 years ago
(tears) k thella putus ama ka reza !!
13 years ago
haduuhh .. mlm in dspat2n bt ON soalny bsk sehariian gk buka NET krn mlm MINGGU mau nonton CCC2 , jadii drelain deeh bljr mati2an mlm ni :-(
13 years ago
arrghhh .. bekelahii plg akuu lwn iny !! (angry) (tears) :-&
13 years ago
My dream comes true, but my dream happened to other people, not happening to me.
13 years ago
i have an exam tomorrow and i should do a LOT of HOMEWORK. we're 3rd grade teacher! we need to be focus! ERGH!
13 years ago
headache or somethin like that. mood booster, please? needs my lovely choco and some fresh air, moonly nite without a star. see ya!
13 years ago
pigi_pigi pikir
13 years ago