2Friends 2Fans
female Malaysia
piggiepink is
15 years ago
missing my lavvie doo doo! I miss you so much! I hope to see you soon. loving yours Mei-Mei :-(
piggiepink wonders
15 years ago
what to do for the whole day? :-))
piggiepink says
15 years ago
Don't walk as if u rule d world, walk as if u don't care who rules d world! Now that's Attitude....!! ;-)
piggiepink says
15 years ago
happy Sunday!
piggiepink is
15 years ago
having fun...
piggiepink is
15 years ago
excited to see my friends tomorrow and we're planning to have lunch in Tsuriya.
piggiepink is
15 years ago
tired from work
piggiepink thinks
15 years ago
I am going to do what makes me happy and Be who I wanna be not what other want me to be...
piggiepink thinks
15 years ago
To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved. So don't lose hope, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy.
piggiepink asks
15 years ago
can u add me in your Plurk?