3Friends 2Fans
female IN, United States
Don't know how to sum it up in less than 250 chars
piaku wishes
16 years ago 1
the kids would stop pestering me about the dag burned POOL! Ok, ok. Let's go, already. Never mind that the house is a wreck..sigh
piaku hates
16 years ago 2
Sunday afternoon doldrums... :-(
piaku wants
16 years ago 2
the new elliptical we bought this evening to be done being assembled. I am actually excited to USE it! :-P
16 years ago
hopes that the position I sleep in tonight will rid me of this irritiating kink in my poor neck! *whimper*
piaku loves
16 years ago
that the pool heater is fixed. Nothing like a nice swim before bedtime. The girls will sleep like...well, how they sleep after a good swim.
piaku asks
16 years ago
Twitter wasn't much help~anyone know how to get a splinter out from under a fingernail? Ouchie!
piaku shares
16 years ago
all my weird dreams happen between snooze cycles. How is there time to dream in 9 minutes? Hmmm. Commercial breaks?
piaku wishes
16 years ago 1
everyone sweet dreams! Nighty night, all.
16 years ago 7
wonders if everyone hates their in-laws. ha! Raises hand.
piaku hates
16 years ago
storms. And having to put on a brave face for the girls when there is one, and I'm the only "grown up" around. :-(