2921Friends 116Fans
male Manila, Philippines
Hello pinoy plurkers ! Update your timeline using sms ! Use our gateway to post your updates.

For question, issues and concerns please post them at the forum:
15 years ago 204
SERVICE UPDATE: To all Sun subscribers: the sun gateway has a new number: +63-923-8852052.
phplurk asks
15 years ago 143
What's with today ? It's rejecting a *lot* of the plurks from the service, keeps giving the msg: 'anti-flood-same-content' ...
phplurk shares
15 years ago 246
SERVICE UPDATE: The globe gateway is unable to establish connection with globe's cellsite, therefore no txt msgs are being received.
phplurk asks
15 years ago 435
your plurks are delayed ?
phplurk asks
15 years ago 223
anyone still having problems with phplurk registration ?
phplurk is
15 years ago 125
shutting down his workstation for an hour...
phplurk asks
16 years ago 415
You're using globe sim and having problems registering for the phplurk service ?
phplurk wonders
16 years ago 497
if PLURK has a new year's resolution...
phplurk is
16 years ago 170
happy to greet all gateway users A Happy And Properous New Year :-) (dance)
phplurk is
16 years ago 453
happy to announce that the gateway service is now one year old. :-)