21Friends 9Fans
male Balikpapan, Indonesia
I am just an ordinary person who loves the way am i :-P
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petersickzz says
13 years ago
jadi inget mantan :-(
petersickzz says
13 years ago
huaaaaaa. lama sekali ga ada OL plurk dan karma pun habis -___-
petersickzz says
13 years ago
tai babi. tadi hujan dan sekarang panas -.-
petersickzz says
13 years ago
aaaa, lama banget kaga buka Plurk. sampe habis ini karma -.-
petersickzz says
14 years ago
sing that song for me baby
petersickzz says
14 years ago
wah. long time no see
petersickzz says
14 years ago
potret kehampaan
petersickzz says
14 years ago
now you feel regret what you have done to me at the past time LOL.
petersickzz says
14 years ago
at chetos
petersickzz says
14 years ago
Don't be a liar and say that everythings working when everythings broken.