48Friends 20Fans
female Second Life, Second life
Jordyn Madeleine Riverstone
Two by Sea
Second Life Maps | Angel Heights
Alt: Kendra Vivienne Hart
10 years ago
Headed home after a long day prepping for tomorrow so tired
10 years ago 3
Day 2 sick in bed rl made me soup and I feel like ice been on a boat and just want to throw up
10 years ago 3
Large corner parcel available on beautifully landscaped suburban sim 3750 prims 4.5k per week! Message Kendra baily if interested!!
10 years ago 3
I learned something about myself that I really don't like. I am also researching how to change that.
10 years ago
Does anyone buy lindens that is wanting to buy some today?
Jordyn says
10 years ago 2
1/4 of Homestead Mainstore location for rent with 4 other stores. 900 prims 6600L per month. Let me know if you are interested.
10 years ago 7
I hate how my good intentions always seem to backfire.
Jordyn asks
10 years ago 10
I am looking for an attorney. If you know of one, please have them contact me. They need experience in online bullying and harassment issues.
Jordyn asks
10 years ago 7
in the SL tos.. doesn't it state that people cannot use SL in names for their brands?
Jordyn asks
10 years ago 4
is plurk broken.. I can't seem to do anything with it, it doesn't want to load anything.