68Friends 18Fans
female Cambridge, MA, United States
peggy says
14 years ago
啊... 原來我這次在日本血拼隨興買的奇怪褲子叫做飛鼠褲 回來穿了才發現這設計好特別XD [看八卦版長知識!]
peggy says
15 years ago 1
之瑜學姊獻唱的Xmas song好好聽 >.< 真是舒服又溫馨~
peggy says
15 years ago 1
peggy says
15 years ago 11
好久沒吃可樂果... 現在呈現濃濃的大蒜味
peggy says
15 years ago 3
It's now SNOWING in Cambridge!!!!!
peggy says
15 years ago 3
one problem of the current social network platforms: people rarely refer to whom share the info. should encourage the "good" habit
peggy says
15 years ago
new version of skype: share your screen with others! love this!
peggy says
15 years ago 2
plz let me know if you are on twitter! (peggychi)
peggy says
15 years ago 2
Tom Cruise!!
peggy says
15 years ago
Rio de Janeiro will host the 2016 Olympics