There was a door to which I found no key,There was a veil through which I could not see,but I'll keep trying.Good nite my lost.
I hope someday I can take off on a round-the-world journey to find myself and searching for what I really wanted in life.
Morning!!Wish sunny day can take away these blues....
從昨晚到今天早上陸續看完了伊藤守的"找自己"跟"做自己"兩本書,他以許多不同的故事章節、圖文並茂的方式述說"每個人都可以成為自己心中所嚮往的人"這樣的生活態度。很喜歡他在書中傳達的一個概念,那就是每個人都只能盡其所能地活著,只要發現自己的好 就好。