4Friends 14Fans
male Manila, Philippines
work hard. party harder :-)
partyharderman has
16 years ago 1
a new iphone theme for his nokia phone hehe:-)
partyharderman is
16 years ago
hungry.. but it's ok.. free lunch naman e, hahaha! :-)
partyharderman is
16 years ago
singing 'grace grace grace... I surrender to your embrace' :x
16 years ago
just got in the office. RESTART yeah! :-D
partyharderman is
16 years ago 1
going to be a fashionista :-D
16 years ago
Misery is a knot you tie yourself. And also a cloud that passes :-)
partyharderman is
16 years ago
charging it all to experience :-D
partyharderman is
16 years ago
in the office already. grace grace grace... I surrender to your embrace... :x
partyharderman is
16 years ago
promising himself that he will go body building :-P
16 years ago
won't waste his time because there is just so much awaiting him :-)