48Friends 95Fans
female Seattle, WA, United States
knitting is my addiction, along with espresso. I am a barista by trade, giving college students their fix. I own close to 5 gazillion books, 210 of which are knitting related.

Please see Ravelry for current projects. Pandorasslave
6 years ago
how does one study for something that you don't understand (tax laws in accounting) I've got a final and need to know things
6 years ago
had to quit Twitter because it was a sounding board for angry toxic people. back to knitting!!
Pandorasslave says
12 years ago
I need to get a booth set up so I can do trade shows and much is this gonna set me back?
Pandorasslave says
12 years ago
Can anyone recommend quick meatless meals so I can cook this week? I have no meat, hence the need for meatless.... Pinterest was no help
Pandorasslave says
12 years ago
Birthday festivities today include: house hunting online, cookies for lunch, and getting a crown put on my tooth. #highroller
Pandorasslave says
13 years ago
Good morning!
Pandorasslave is
13 years ago
Wishing for a bit of snow. (Seattle says no) I need something to cheer me up when I get off work after dark.
Pandorasslave is
13 years ago
Trying a recipe for homemade/natural antiperspirant. Will go for a run and see how it works. :-)
Pandorasslave says
13 years ago 2
Happy holidays everyone! Much love!
Pandorasslave says
13 years ago
Happy Solstice everyone! And remember, it can only get brighter from here!