Ménage à Trois
18Friends 7Fans
female Second Life, United States
Dolly | Mallie | Kyla

Check us out at Ménage à Trois
Ménage à Trois
8 years ago
We've got Dolly and a new post!
Ménage à Trois
8 years ago
New post featuring Kyla and Pretty in Pink
Ménage à Trois
8 years ago
At Shiny Shabby, everyone derendered. Ask if anyone else is having issues with clicking the Dead Dollz dress. Owner of DD is 2m away setting up. Didn't see her. Excuse me while I hide in shame forever.
Ménage à Trois shares
8 years ago 1
My dog is seriously pissed I'm not sharing Chic-Fil-A - Kyla
Ménage à Trois shares
8 years ago
Miss Mallie tackled finals and is back with a new post: Shotgun
Ménage à Trois shares
8 years ago
Kyla shows off the Dead Dollz dress from Black Fashion Fair
Ménage à Trois
8 years ago
New post featuring 22769 and Kyla!
Ménage à Trois
8 years ago
We've got a new post up featuring a descent into temptation- items from Epiphany and ROMP. Madness- possibly NSFW
Ménage à Trois
8 years ago
Hi lovelies. Sorry we've been MIA-ish! Dolly's been holding down the fort while Kyla was out of town and Mallie was dealing with finals... we should be back to your regularly scheduled programming soon!
Ménage à Trois shares
8 years ago
New post AND new sponsors! :-) MOONSTORE and Dolly