finally lost her marbles. I just padlocked my food to the freezer. Let's see how you steal my food now, THIEVES! BWAHAHAHA!
must start studying for the exams!!!! CHARMY! STOP WATCHING 2PM VIDEOS!!!
's food was stolen again. T-T
climbed 500 steps to see 10000 Buddhas today. YAY!
no more classes FOREVERRRRR!!!! (But I have projects and exams. T-T)
sad because You're Beautiful has ended... T-T (And what kind of ending was that???)
want Christmas lights! Where's the festive spirit??? I can't feel it!
mail out Christmas cards soon~ send me your mailing addresses (if you haven't already) :3
start working on that project that is due this Friday. Leave me alone, procrastination monster!
just finished ep 15 of You're Beautiful... so sad!!! HONGKI you are killing me! It's all ending next week. Perfect, because I have to study!