2Friends 4Fans
male Croton Falls, NY, United States
Brian M Oppenheimer US-based journalist specializing in technology coverage
oppy10512 is
16 years ago
back on Plurk thank god
oppy10512 is
16 years ago
covered in paint and I don’t know how to get it off X-(
oppy10512 says
16 years ago
Taking a break for painting the walls in his new green screen studio thank god
oppy10512 thinks
16 years ago
That some one should Wright a script for my space allowing you to integrate PLURK in to my space
oppy10512 hates
16 years ago
My space sucks the Plurk widget will not work on my space
oppy10512 hates
16 years ago
Ok I know it’s a windows box but y does the MYSQL sever always have to stop working think I m going to switch my sever to a Linux box
oppy10512 is
16 years ago
I like this new world of TWITER
oppy10512 is
16 years ago
saying hello to the Plurk world! :-)
oppy10512 is
16 years ago