acknowledge, accept, let go. old mantra im retraining myself to stick to again. daripada anger, anxiety, admit to hospital, ya ngga?
next step: not caring anymore
udah capek. i dont want this anymore. lo usaha sendiri aja gimana
problem solving 2025: bagaimana recharge mental yg efektif biar kuat caregiving yg kyknya bakal intense at least in first half of this year
selamat tahun baru plurkettes. terima kasih sudah mendengarkan keluh kesahku selama 2024. siap² utk 2025 yaaa xixi pengennya sih lebih waras tp outside-plurk-world mana kita tahu gimana nanti yekan
ada temen lama diajakin minum² bir doang nyante murah² kl bisa di rumah jg gapapa bilangnya udah ga minum lagi out of my budget, seminggu kemudian posting close friends stories lg traveling di reykjavik sama kasih pengumuman tar nye msh blm balik jakarta ya gaes masih di paris. ga ngerti lagi delusional hypocrite jaksel cunts.
enak rasanya offend a jaksel hipster HAHAHA langsung sok ceramahin gue lg, ketauan moralistiknya lololol
oke jg gue ga pernah mau lg ketemuan sama this person who once stood me up after i waited for a whole fucking hour. granted i had other things to do so i didnt waste all my time but it was just insane especially since the person only had to walk less than a kilo from their house to where we were gonna meet. the sheer entitlement and laziness. fuck right off
always grateful for the education i received, but being sent away at 16 with absolutely no plan for a support system to replace parental guidance really did break me as a human. in many ways since then ive been barely functioning in the "normal" way that might have allowed me to gain a bit of happiness in life. its all dark now