0Friends 2Fans
male Monterey, CA, United States
onlinematters says
14 years ago
I like em - Microsoft Releases New Bing Webmaster Tools - goo.gl/enUr. Curious - do you?
onlinematters says
14 years ago
interesting-harks back 2 thirties
onlinematters says
14 years ago
Fwix Launches Hyperlocal Search Engine goo.gl/zbjW
onlinematters says
14 years ago
I know I've experienced Facebook Fatigue - can't be everywhere and get work done - goo.gl/ljgt
onlinematters says
14 years ago
studying social media case studies - never can have enough good ideas
onlinematters says
14 years ago
Offerpal Responds to Facebook Credits With Employee Layoffs - goo.gl/mLg4
onlinematters says
14 years ago
Studying virtual currencies today - what a cool space - here's a bit old info on facebook credits tests - goo.gl/2Ccz
onlinematters says
14 years ago
Good article on SEO for PDFs from mattmcgee "Optimizing PDFs for SEO" j.mp/c3ZxQG
onlinematters says
14 years ago
This video with Hayek/Keynes rapping on macroeconomics is hilarious for all armchair economists - goo.gl/FXWV
onlinematters says
14 years ago
working on refining my concept of knowledge for a knowledge engine. Little did I know that I know so little.