0Friends 2Fans
male Monterey, CA, United States
onlinematters says
14 years ago
Interesting strategic analysis around Android: "Androids Dirty Little Secret: bit.ly/ao6s71
onlinematters says
14 years ago
Oh to be young again - how the views among generations differ - goo.gl/uNlC
onlinematters says
14 years ago
Paypal making more moves for micropayments in the mobile space goo.gl/RGDM
onlinematters says
14 years ago
Interesting Data on Facebook Virality - Each Item Shared Through Facebook generates 30 Clicks goo.gl/D3E7
onlinematters says
14 years ago
Hello world! Back after porting onto Mac (an experience)
onlinematters says
14 years ago
Big news for anyone trying to monetize Facebook - I'm wondering why it took Amazon so long to figure this out - goo.gl/B9vE
onlinematters says
14 years ago
Here's a good tool develop iPhone apps on the PC without violating Apple's retrictive license - goo.gl/0yBI
onlinematters says
14 years ago
onlinematters says
14 years ago
Excellent Overview of RESTful web services if you want to understand the basics goo.gl/Daya
onlinematters says
14 years ago
Another win for Facebook Credits...the big dog is figuring out how to monetize third-party apps - goo.gl/PyCE