7Friends 35Fans
female Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
a girl from lumut, a very small place with beautiful beaches....spent a year in Japan as an exchange student after form 5 and now doing broadcasting in UTAR. nothing is very special about myself, if you wanna know more about me, add me in FB or visit
onigiri_riceball says
13 years ago
i am tired........how i wish i could sleep before 11 everynight and make it my habit
onigiri_riceball says
13 years ago
one more week is coming to the end!!Gambatteh!!!!
onigiri_riceball says
13 years ago
working life is good or bad??=_=
onigiri_riceball says
13 years ago
waiting for presentation in uni....^^
onigiri_riceball says
13 years ago
i will be missing the time eating lunch with my sai B in PJ~~
onigiri_riceball says
13 years ago
tired tired tired tired
onigiri_riceball says
13 years ago
life is hard dakedo,Happy! -Cannie Lee
onigiri_riceball says
13 years ago
too many things to do in too little time..huhu
onigiri_riceball says
13 years ago
period pain is killing me...:-(
onigiri_riceball says
13 years ago