12Friends 1Fans
female Columbia, SC, United States
i have a shitty in between job. but my love and my dog keep me going. aspiring filmmaker, professional ghostbuster.
ollieisaok says
12 years ago 6
What lens to rent? What lens to rent?
ollieisaok says
12 years ago
Spending easter checking out a castle for the wedding!
ollieisaok says
12 years ago 2
ollieisaok says
12 years ago 1
I have the most snuggly furbaby!
ollieisaok says
12 years ago
A good friend booked me to shoot her bridal portraits! :-)
ollieisaok says
13 years ago
My free photo sessions are booking up a lot faster than i ever expected! (woot)
ollieisaok says
13 years ago
So happy my family is already accepting Ori0n so quickly and easily! :-)
ollieisaok says
13 years ago 1
Ori0n did good!
13 years ago 2
Happy friday everyone!
13 years ago 1
Happy Vday to my Ori0n! Also to all the lovelies that came along with him! I love all of you and wish you the best of days!