36Friends 224Fans
male Oklahoma City, OK, United States
Student // Music // New Media Design // Graphic Design // Photography //

ocbrad thinks
15 years ago 2
tonight's Heroes may have been their best episode yet.
ocbrad is
15 years ago
sad the weekend is over.
ocbrad is
15 years ago
not excited to study all day tomorrow.
ocbrad says
15 years ago
Thursdays Community was the funniest comedy episode this season.
ocbrad has
15 years ago
a Halloween party to go to today.
ocbrad says
15 years ago
it's the day before Halloween, but I'm not in the spirit.
ocbrad is
15 years ago
sad Copeland has broken up.
ocbrad is
15 years ago
trying not to change into a zombie.
ocbrad has
15 years ago 1
Google Wave now.
ocbrad thinks
15 years ago 1
tonight's Heroes was amazing.