36Friends 224Fans
male Oklahoma City, OK, United States
Student // Music // New Media Design // Graphic Design // Photography //

ocbrad is
15 years ago
enjoying today.
ocbrad is
15 years ago
finding it difficult to keep Plurking.
ocbrad wants
15 years ago
graduation to get here.
ocbrad is
15 years ago
glad the weekend is only half over.
ocbrad is
15 years ago
taking a late nap.
ocbrad loves
15 years ago
that the weekend is here.
ocbrad is
15 years ago
anticipating the colder weather.
ocbrad loves
15 years ago
Deas Vail's new album.
ocbrad is
15 years ago
thinking about shaving his head.
ocbrad thinks
15 years ago
tonight's Heroes was amazing.