Tria 슈퍼주니어
6Friends 3Fans
female Pati, Indonesia's my second account.
i'm just a little girl.
i'm a student of SHS 1 Pati
i'm single! yeyeye! =D
i'm ELF fr INA olwes luv SUPER JUNIOR
i like swimming, reading novel, and english.
i love music, love singing.^^
Nice too meet you folks!
(nottalking) au ah
(doh) aku ngga bisa buat corel
(angry) coreellll
whats wrong wth me -_-
:-( (: (tears) X-( siaaaalll
liburan dua mingguuuuu :-D (dance)
dhex yach jelek :-D
long time no see ya ^^ :-)
ng blog yuuuu :-D
my nyo 15july my ny(cozy)