7Friends 3Fans
male Washington, DC, United States
15 years ago
I imagine that plurk and identi.ca are having some traffic spikes right around now. (Twitter down ohno!)
nowthis is
15 years ago
lurking. Poking about. Not doing what I should be. The usual.
nowthis is
16 years ago
puzzling over 'friends' vs 'fans'. Does not compute.
16 years ago
genehack Was hoping I'd only have to get on one non-Twitter thang. Will also try out identi.ca, probably this weekend.
nowthis is
16 years ago
peeking at plurk again. It makes no sense to hide the end of a tweet when there's so much room in the timeline!
16 years ago
Also, when will anyone make a 255-character twitter-ish service? 140 is only a real limit on phones. Arbitrarily tiny.
16 years ago
: not sure I like the timeline interface. Seems like a lot of dead space.
nowthis is
16 years ago
claiming my namespace before it's too late.