want suicide
16Friends 0Fans
male Indonesia
a boy waiting to be killed or saved by anything
want suicide is
14 years ago 3
still awake on 5 am
want suicide feels
14 years ago 3
like a stalker
want suicide hates
14 years ago
this mood that makes me feel of doing nothing
want suicide
14 years ago
goes back to plurk for a while
want suicide is
15 years ago
confused... confused!!!!
want suicide
15 years ago 2
lalala..... *spam diri sendiri gara2 bosen dan mau nambah karma*
want suicide asks
15 years ago 1
himself, "when can u stop being careless??? see what it cost you?"
want suicide asks
15 years ago 4
if facebook is down?
want suicide hates
15 years ago
to eat dinner alone!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ ada yang mau temenin?
want suicide
15 years ago 3
minta maap walau uda janji gak tidur malem, tetep aja jadinya jem 4 pagi!!!