John Chen
29Friends 14Fans
male Taichung, Taiwan
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John Chen
10 years ago 2
HIMYM is almost coming to the end. it is really sad that cannot see main actor and actress to be couple, but it's life, isn't it?
John Chen
10 years ago
只是想脫離現實一陣子 沒想到回到現實時似乎已過一甲子 :-o
John Chen
10 years ago
John Chen
10 years ago
John Chen
10 years ago
這個星期怎麼那麼多好片上映呀~~風起、決戰終點線還有最期待的真愛每一天! 這是要人怎麼選片呀~~
John Chen
10 years ago 3
用不到5個月的new ONE就掛了! 還是用了三年沒壞的SE AINO可靠!
John Chen
10 years ago
機票這麼貴還是賣光光 大家是有多想出去玩!
John Chen
11 years ago
Hans Zimmer真的是神!