wishes 14 years ago
everyone a Happy Friday!
his usual McDonald's store for the variety of the clientele. Today it's a herd of young drunk French tourists. Vive le vino!
what happens to the leftovers that don't get eaten on Iron Chef?
nothing is more depressing than staying at home sick and unable to FB due to the pwoer outage
just found the Umami magazine in his Fit & Fun Run loot bag - with a pic of Executive Editor Eugene Imm on the inside cover. Awesome!
remembers that he played the Levite during a class skit on the Good Samaritan at least 3 decades ago. He should have pursued Hollywood-LOL!
been carbo-loading since last night in preparation for Fit & Run! The irony does not escape him
"Always keep a song in your heart - it's like karaoke for the voices in your head." ~ Robert Fulton Abernethy
"The only thing to do is NOT quit, play the hand we've given, and ACCESSORIZE" ~ Carrie Bradshaw
subbing for an anniversary VTR...for a scene involving group hand signing. He is speechless, literally.