39Friends 29Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
I have a manatee sleeping with me. Her name is MuMu, which sounds like ocean.
I have a bear playing with me. I call it Stupid the Bear, cause it often falls down from my bed.
I hope everything will stay as it is now till the end.
13 years ago
點不沉 says
15 years ago
哈哈 洗完一大籃的衣服之後 就出太陽了!!! 真開心
點不沉 says
15 years ago 1
SNYDER'S蝴蝶餅好好吃歐!!! 不過好硬 真怕把牙齒咬斷><
點不沉 says
15 years ago 2
老是打破玻璃杯的小孩 是不會有糖吃的
點不沉 says
15 years ago 4
點不沉 says
15 years ago
耶!! 養足精神....繼續做報告!!!!
點不沉 says
15 years ago
天氣好棒歐!! 把自己困在家裡真是太浪費了
點不沉 says
15 years ago 8
捨不得讓你離開@@" 以後有問題要怎麼辦 哭哭
點不沉 says
15 years ago 1
shall we?
點不沉 says
15 years ago 3
話說今天摔了車之後 打電話給某B 我說:ㄟ我車禍了 好可怕 某B:好笨歐 那你有沒有去醫院? 我:........我正在醫院啊~ (OS:不然上班時間我還能去哪裡?)