獨行者-歐索魯 Karma: 83.83
not stating / other
- 無主之地
林間暗影🌿 Karma: 70.54
not stating / other
- 迷霧森林, 同盟
✣ 𝐴𝑑𝑜𝑙𝑝ℎ . Karma: 13.21
not stating / other
- Taiwan
⛨|里優維嘉 Karma: 63.14
not stating / other
- Griunvaldas, Poland
【王国戦記】瑪喬莉 Karma: 55.52
- Horn of Plenty
總有刁民想害我 Karma: 81.21
not stating / other
奧爾迦 Karma: 82.23
- 荒石鎮
克里斯.都.賽居爾 Karma: 69.02
- Vale of Harriers, Alliance
⤛ ⬘ ⤜ Karma: 86.88
not stating / other
- London, Great Britain (UK)