49Friends 9Fans
female Solo, Indonesia
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Logika akan membawa anda dari A ke B. Imajinasi akan membawa anda kemana mana.
[Albert Einstein]
nitehawkripper says
13 years ago
Yatta!! Yatta!! Yatta!!
nitehawkripper says
13 years ago
Yosh!! :-))
nitehawkripper says
13 years ago 1
Semprul. Kapan giliranku ngrasakke 4 seasons?! X-( :'-( ;-) :-o (dance) (tears) B-) :-& :-))
nitehawkripper says
13 years ago
wasshoi! (LOL)
nitehawkripper says
13 years ago
Not : if you love some one let them go and THEN GO HUNT THEM DOWN AND KILL THEM.
nitehawkripper says
13 years ago
If you love someone let them go, and if it was meant to be, they’ll come back to you.
nitehawkripper says
13 years ago 1
Well, actually I'm still confused about myself.
nitehawkripper says
13 years ago
But if you really care, you will know the real me. If I do "this", it doesn't mean absolutely "this". I just can't show the real me.
nitehawkripper says
13 years ago 1
I am abstract.Maybe you can't define me.
nitehawkripper shares
14 years ago