78Friends 110Fans
female Indonesia
I am trying to LOVE everything I do.
nitanit thinks
15 years ago 1
that she just can counts on herself. nobody else.
nitanit is
15 years ago
missing her sister in pluit..
nitanit is
15 years ago 2
listening to his voice on the telephone. nothing sweeter more than this.. :-)
nitanit thinks
15 years ago 1
that she must fix her deadliner habit.
nitanit says
15 years ago 2
semangat belajar ya teman2ku di fk! xD
nitanit says
15 years ago
pagi menjelang siangg :-D facebook sementara deactivated yah!
nitanit says
15 years ago
up up up up!
nitanit says
15 years ago 1
aku ngga mau jadi pemalas, huhuhu
nitanit says
15 years ago 3
main plurk lagi! yeyy :-D
nitanit is
16 years ago 2
entertained by kambing jantan the movie (LOL)