nikiri (ニキリ)
184Friends 261Fans
female Manila, Philippines
nikiri (ニキリ) shares
10 years ago

working on with my merchs. You'll see the complete version soon!
nikiri (ニキリ) has
10 years ago
waited all-day, but there's no confirmation or whatsoever.
nikiri (ニキリ) hopes
10 years ago
all the best tomorrow. I do hope I can make it!
nikiri (ニキリ) will
10 years ago
go sleep now. Good night!
nikiri (ニキリ) says
10 years ago
But I need to finish my lineart work
nikiri (ニキリ) needs
10 years ago
to sleep since I still have job interview tomorrow (or rather later)
nikiri (ニキリ) wonders
10 years ago
if anyone still remembers me here?
nikiri (ニキリ) has
10 years ago
missed Plurk. Good thing I still remembered my account here.
nikiri (ニキリ) says
13 years ago
update by blackhunter09. (rock)
nikiri (ニキリ) says
14 years ago 1
It's been a while since I last visited Plurk. (haha) I'm mostly like in Twitter rather than here.