57Friends 18Fans
female Janiuay, Philippines
I am everything a girl needs to be to get the boy they WANT.
But I'm also everything a girl needs to have to cause a heartbreak.

I'm caught in a wonderful bittersweet dilemma.
Should i go left? Or right?
Yep. I knew it.

nikaisme asks
13 years ago 7
for Mr. Right to stop being stupid and ride a horse towards my HOUSE already!
nikaisme wonders
13 years ago
why it hurts so much.
nikaisme hopes
13 years ago
for a new beginning to the ended fairy tale.
nikaisme has
13 years ago
given her all. She understands that if he DOESN'T see that, it isn't her loss anymore. Her heart may break, but her spirit is still burning.
13 years ago
13 years ago
i hate it when i have classes and i can't open my plurk account. i'm LOW.
nikaisme will
13 years ago 2
deactivate her account tomorrow. :/
13 years ago 17
Happy New Year! (party)
13 years ago 34
**BOOST** me. It's my BiRTHDAY! xD (drinking)
13 years ago 63
Aku ngantuk! **BOOST**