22Friends 114Fans
female Philippines
-self-centered people
-show off
-to be hungry
-to be copied.. hahahaha...
-being sleepy
-going on duty

-to be just simple
-hanging out with friends
-eating BIGTIME!!!!!
nica says
15 years ago 6
karma down.. help
nica says
15 years ago 2
duty again tom.. hehehe
nica is
15 years ago
sooooo relaxed...
nica says
15 years ago
super karma down.. goodluck... hehehe (annoyed)
nica says
15 years ago
karma DOWN.. hehehehe
nica wonders
15 years ago
if i will have cases dis summer... (angry)
nica is
15 years ago
missing someone.. hehehe
nica says
15 years ago
my duty sucks.. hehehe
nica says
15 years ago
DUTY again....
nica says
15 years ago 1
my vacation sucks.. hehehe