3Friends 43Fans
male Stockholm, Sweden
This is me...
nicopunktse says
12 years ago
Ping it!
nicopunktse says
13 years ago
Undrar vad Ђ är för en valuta..? Tydligen ska jag få hälften av 12,995,720.00 i den valutan från en man som dog på sjukhus i Saudiarabien..
nicopunktse says
13 years ago
The fact they sent it to an e-mailaddress not associated with my Battlenet account ofc made it more trustworthty...
nicopunktse says
13 years ago
Oh, "Blizzard" wants me to log in to a "secure" website (not using https though) in India. Seems legit! rolleyes
nicopunktse says
13 years ago
Oh, now again? "Your email won 985,950.00Euro" My email sure is a lucky bastard...? But I don't feel like opening the attached pdf...
nicopunktse says
13 years ago
Vc quer ser meu amigo no Facebook?
nicopunktse says
13 years ago
Oj, 111111 minsann ...
nicopunktse says
13 years ago
Spännade att gå igenom alla gamla anteckningar från OneNote efter jag importerat dom till Evernote. En del är så gamla som från 2003...
nicopunktse says
13 years ago
Goodbye OneNote, Hello Evernote! (OneNote is great but the lack of iPhone app in the Swedish app store was a dealbreaker)
nicopunktse says
13 years ago