33Friends 5Fans
female Bogor, Indonesia
Niki has
15 years ago 7
passed 6 levels in supertux :-o
Niki is
15 years ago
doing random things :-))
Niki is
15 years ago
going offline. BYE!
Niki is
15 years ago
doing BI hw
Niki is
15 years ago 11
going on an hunting season trip w/Sara! We're going to catch a duck and chicken at school!
Niki is
15 years ago
going offline for the night... bye!
Niki is
15 years ago 6
posting a lot of pics on tumblr
15 years ago 11
can't believe that my parents aren't home yet :-o
15 years ago 9
"So I put my hands up, theyre playin my song The butterflies fly away, Im noddin my head like Yeah! Movin my hips like Yeah!"
Niki wonders
15 years ago 29
is everyone in grade 8 done w/math test? hmm...