GPK team Dota War is Leveling Up!! hahaha..
Learning how to scream like Randy -Lamb of God- damn!! how can he get a voice like that!!??
Jam segini Masih nginstal komputer, haduh.. masih ada 3 lagi neh yang belum beres..
Dota War Menang lagi!! yeah the winner and still!! ahahahak..
try to raising up my Karma..
Gak jadi Install ulang akh.. Males.. scan antivirus aja..
gotta go college.. meet the lecturer, and force him to accept my thesis.. You better be sir!! or else will happen!!! Grrrhhh...
It feels like I’m having a seasick..
I want your body, your money, not you!! kyahahahaawk.. That's only a joke, fellas.. ^_^
Repent!!! Repent!! Repent!!!