27Friends 20Fans
female El Paso, TX, United States
1st year Ag teacher workin' with Special Needs kiddos and lovin' it! I'm amazed by them more n more each day. Global trekker, lab lover, nature admirer, and ever trying to learn more.More to come...I'm new to this.
nessamc is
15 years ago
busy doing to town
nessamc is
15 years ago
cleaning up after 3 days of tiling...looks awesome
nessamc is
15 years ago
on day 2 of tiling
nessamc is
15 years ago
doing some tiling this morning.
nessamc is
15 years ago
off to watch the buffalo, hopefully I will get to see the new calves
nessamc has
15 years ago
just made breakfast for the family
nessamc has
15 years ago
just survived the cadiz thunderstorm
nessamc hopes
15 years ago
her student is ok...was in a car accident over the weekend
nessamc wishes
15 years ago
a happy thursday to all!
nessamc is
15 years ago
back to the real world...