68Friends 18Fans
female Dickson, TN, United States
Newly retired Elementary School librarian and nana of 3 boys. Knitter and beginning spinner.
fuzzienana says
12 years ago 1
Heading to Chicago tomorrow for husband's checkups at the heart transplant center on Thurs, kidney center on Fri. Praying for a good report!
fuzzienana says
12 years ago
If you looking for a great summer read try, Gone Girl, you won't be able to put it down.
fuzzienana says
12 years ago
It was great getting to meet some of you at the SSK market.
12 years ago 1
finally, today I get to go to market day at ssk, must wait till 1:00.
fuzzienana wishes
12 years ago 4
she were going to ssk, the worst is I live in Nashville!
12 years ago
Sorry to knitabulls for being so slow to respond to winning the giveaway! New grandson has kept me busy and a little behind on my podcast!
12 years ago 3
It's a good day, three more days until retirement! Friends have made me feel very loved!
fuzzienana loves
12 years ago 1
that I have only 19 days, 3 hours and 30 minutes until I officially retire from my job as Elementary School Library!
fuzzienana likes
13 years ago
the new retro lemon podcast!