It still isn't ready to go live as in trying to direct traffic to it yet, but today I taught myself how to use and set up the product pages on my website. I ALSO did my own troubleshooting, and discovered how to fix a problem with the layout all by myself. Of course, I also just noticed that the footer to direct browsing from page one of dragons, etc
... Oh my God so in the final flourish finish of today's computer adventure: I got my mom to loan me the cost because I kept getting worried that the computer, being AWESOME & on clearance, would disappear before the funds transferring dominos got usable money to me. Which. Honestly, likely wouldn't have been that bad, but today's had some emotionally
HELLO THIS IS A THREAD FULL OF SHINY COMPUTER LINKS, AS PROMISED. I mostly only looked on Best Buy and Fry's, because I got side-tracked, but now I'm watching The Boss via the DVD player I set up again after five or possibly six years of closet storage, and am going to LIST LAPTOPS. In no particular order of preference or price.
This is the thread I said I'd make later, for helping me figure out if I can get a laptop that does everything I need (DESPERATELY WANT AFTER YEARS OF AS GOOD AS A HAND ME DOWN COULD DO) if I ask my mom to chip in with what Rue