3Friends 1Fans
female Tokyo, Japan
Love life. Love music. Love games.
naukhel wonders
14 years ago
what is up with the weather this year?! Sweltering yesterday and freezing with incessant rain today.
naukhel shares
14 years ago This is why Japanese police officers are a laughing stock. 2 men's manpower wasted over 6 days for 4 quid.
naukhel wonders
14 years ago
why she thought there was a "Q" in "consecutive".
naukhel wonders
14 years ago
consecutive days at work are such polar opposites of each other all the time.
naukhel says
14 years ago 2
hi guys, it's Monday again. 8D
naukhel wants
14 years ago
to make today better than the rest of the week has been.
naukhel wishes
14 years ago 2
she could play some Silent Hill (2, 3 and 4) right about now!
naukhel has
14 years ago 9
decided that she'd rather be a person that easily likes people than one that easily hates them.
14 years ago
had a great night last night - two horror movies, European cheese and French bread!
naukhel thinks
14 years ago 2
that saying you look like you were "spat out of Satan's vagina" is quite impressively imaginative. (Thanks Helen)