20Friends 134Fans
male Second life
I'm Narshe. I'm from Second Life. I love the web and all the means of communication it has to offer. Say hello at
All SL Plurkers are VERY welcome to add me as a friend!
Narshe says
15 years ago 3
I got a bunch of our old Atari disks today and found some of my creative writing from when I was about 8. weird to read it now. :-)
Narshe says
15 years ago 6
morning all.. how is everyone today?
Narshe says
15 years ago 2
good night all... here's hoping tomorrow is another not-bad day. maybe things are about to be on the up. *shrug* it's about time...
Narshe says
15 years ago 3
hello all... today has been light on the stress thankfully. no work and all seems well at home today. hope it continues.
Narshe is
15 years ago 6
seeing Angels and Demons tonight. I'm expecting it to be terrible but it will be a distraction at least.
Narshe has
15 years ago 6
just had a Malaysian curry chicken and noodles lunch bowl from a new local takeaway. Delicious!
Narshe says
15 years ago 7
hello plurkies. Hope you're well. Sorry I haven't checked in recently! hope you're all good. (bye)
Narshe says
15 years ago 3
hello all... been away from plurk for a couple of days after two unpleasant weeks in RL. Now on holiday! How are you all?
Narshe says
15 years ago 3
50 lengths at the pool tonight. only one more day till much needed holiday...
Narshe has
16 years ago 1
had another rage-fueled gym session. Smashed all my personal bests. Apparently adrenaline is the best performance-enhancer there is...